Thursday, February 6, 2014

Being accountable to others in job hunt...KEY IDEA

It's helpful to consider allowing other people to aid you in your job hunt by letting someone else know what you are trying to do with regard to the search, and when this step should be done.  For instance, if you are compiling a rough list of places locally that you want to apply, let the person aiding you know how many places you want to target (maybe 10 to start?), and when this lest should be done (next Monday).  Then, when next Tuesday comes around, they should ask you how the list is looking.  This simple act of making yourself accountable to someone else can really be a positive step in establishing some inertia to get the needed tasks accomplished, and to realize that it just won't be yourself that you might be letting down if you don't meet your goal timelines. 

If the goals are not being met in a timely way, maybe the expectation of how much time the task might take is off, or you are in need of some guidance.  Ideally, the person checking in with you might be able to offer some guidance and help, or at least sit with you and watch how you are trying to get the task done and then give some suggestions to improve the completion possibility.

It's not a nag or someone else to hassle you that you are setting up, it's a support and a person that has your best interests at heart and will take pride in your success and small steps towards a larger, satisfying whole.  Consider it a modified "buddy system," but rather than holding your hand, they are helping propel you forward, towards a more effective and happy life and one where your goals are met, little bit by little bit!

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